大師介紹 (Masters Introduction)

合作超過25年的閃耀明星—Claudia & Esteban,作風低調,不談虛話,深受全球重度探戈迷喜愛,尤以早期亞洲資深舞者受益甚深,特別喜愛密集大師營方式,專注於一套系統內,掌握完整訊息將自己調整至最佳狀態。當年未有大量探戈節慶、甚至沒有Youtube影片隨手可得,所有人都想跟最頂尖的老師學習。當探戈社群如雨後春筍般在四海興起,邀約從世界各大城市紛來沓至,他們也未因為獲利更高的巡演擱置熱情與初心,仍善用時間付諸行動,投入阿根廷探戈的全方位發展、創作、與推廣。一次次挑戰自我,一次次傾誠相授,因而立下至今不朽、海內外一致公認大師的地位。

兼具風度和幽默男神形象的Esteban(許多粉絲暱稱「邦邦」),畢業於國立科技學院並具有設計背景,直到1988年,才在布宜諾斯艾利斯的探戈文化中心首度接觸了阿根廷探戈,立刻沈浸其中,並獲得多位傳奇人物親授舞功;暱稱「阿雅」的高冷女神Claudia有種法國女人的驕傲優雅,她出生於布宜諾斯艾利斯市郊Villa Urquiza,由芭蕾現代舞者進而成為編舞家;兩人因為參與阿根廷編舞家的作品”Ciclos”相遇,曾經相戀也曾經一同逐夢,開始這段互相成長的旅程。


時空是90年代的阿根廷探戈轉型期(第一次轉型在20世紀初,源自阿根廷的探戈傳至歐洲,並在貴族之間流行之後紅回發源地),正面臨一種南美洲的80年代老派舞劇退燒,大都會男女以舞蹈社交的新浪潮興起。C&E受邀與國際級當代編導Oscar Aráiz共事,擔任西班牙塞維亞世博會(1992)的阿根廷探戈大使長達半年,同時兼任布宜諾斯艾利斯幾間主流劇院的創作及演出。熱烈地巡迴演出持續多年,直到2000年左右,探戈首都布宜諾斯艾利斯年度最大盛會CITA,一次網羅全明星陣容,舉辦為期一週的課程及演出,掀起另一波高潮,百家爭鳴、風格萬千,優秀舞者紛紛被邀往世界各地,同時間C&E也展開阿根廷與歐洲兩地之間的頻繁的巡迴教學演出。

走遍國際各大都市,C&E最後選擇在集藝術文化和美食的重鎮—法國里昂(Lyon, France)旅居下來,積極協助當地社群組織 – *註一 絲綢探戈 (Tango de Soie)長期發展不遺餘力.2002兩人成立Union Tanguera探戈公司,做為藝術創作的根基,致力培養專業人才、教學、推廣、實驗;並搭建起舞會和舞台之間的橋樑。C&E身兼兩個組織的重要幹部,即便行程將近滿載,也未滿足於舞會中已獲得滿堂彩的單曲表演形式,反而訂下更高遠的目標—產出概念更完整的舞劇,挑戰製作編導及演出集一身的重責大任。在極度挑惕的法國劇場界,突破重重困難,精緻擘畫力求完美,演出前每檔耗時2-3年不等,成功推出Efecto Tango(2005), Tango Vivo(2008), Nuit Blanche(2010)等新舞劇,並受邀遠赴義大利、美國、加拿大等各大城市巡演,極受好評與推崇,為當代探戈無私貢獻生命力。


*(註一)絲綢探戈 (Tango de Soie) 為法國里昂當地的非營利協會組織,成立於1994年,在2011年,協會成員已超過700人,該協會的文化內涵是透過地方組織和國際層面建立的夥伴關係,進行多元化的推廣工作。音樂和舞蹈為核心,同時向各個藝術面向如詩歌,文學,歷史等持續探究。絲綢探戈鼓勵新音樂發展,不但提供演出機會,也進行青年培訓和實習,更鼓勵社會參與,讓不同世代、不同社會背景、不同國籍、不消費族群,都能找到自己的位置,並進入阿根廷探戈的世界,Esteban & Claudia目前仍與他們密切合作,幫助絲綢探戈對阿根廷以及其他國家聯繫、交流主要窗口。

Being a most-wanted tango couple in the world over 25 years -Claudia & Esteban are definitely popular but always humble. They talk less fancy words, but gain reputation by showing what they are working on. They are all-time favorite teachers until nowadays, especially for those senior dancers in early years in Asia. About 15 years ago, there were neither much tango festival nor Youtube videos, everyone wants to see masters in person and learn from top teacher. People are fond of having intensive workshop to take advantage of understanding its comprehensive system . When numerous tango cities have risen around the world, organizers start sending invitations to all tango stars. C&E didn’t put aside their passion by only attending events with nice reward, on the other hand, they still make good use of time to move ahead, to produce new ideas , to promote tango. Never stop challenging themselves, and always sharing how they learnt This makes C&E unique as artists and tango ambassadors both at Argentina and out of Buenos Aires .

Man of style and substance, Esteban Moreno encounter with tango in 1988 at Centre Culturel Gral San Martin in Buenos Aires after graduating from National College of Technical Education. Since then, he has been fascinated about tango and found ways to learn from legendary milogueros. Claudia Codega, a lady of both classy and modern elegance was born in Villa Urquiza who grows up with various form of dance and became choreographer. A ballet work “Ciclos” was the first thread pulled them together, and this is where and how a big dream and long journey began.

It was in 90’, Tango Argentino was no longer a typical 80’ musical show talking about bar, man and woman. It became more and more popular in metropolitan cities that man and women enjoy improvising the dance and have social life. C&E were invited to represent Argentina at the World Expo in Seville in 1992 for 6 months. At the same time they also had professional career in mainstream theater in Buenos Aires. Around year 2000, tango event CITA(Congreso Internacional de Tango Argentino) at Buenos Aires have drawn a lot of attention by presenting all-star dancers. Overwhelming big names, styles, possibilities of tango spreads to the whole world. C&E are one of the most popular couple being invited abroad and globally recognized.

After touring cities, C&E decided to settled in Lyon, France where is capital of gastronomy, and quality living region with flourish art and culture. They took part in help developing community with Tango de Soie. They created the Company Unión Tanguera in 2002 as an experimental base to gather talents no matter dance, music and research. It is also a bridge to connects people from different field of stage and milonga. Limited time will never be a issue for them, they are not satisfied with giving exhibition in milonga/festival or events. Esteban & Claudia tried their best brought life to the shows, Efecto Tango (2005), Tango Vivo (2006-2008) and White Night (2010) was produced. The success was not in a easy step, it happened in France where producers and audience are critical.

For over 25 years Esteban & Claudia have been dancing together, they have been a big influence to the tango community around the world. Though controversy about traditional and new are still there, C&E knew well that tango cannot be defined or separated by anyone saying “this is the original, the only’. Tango belongs to each of you from the past, now and the future.