[想當初] Where we began

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阿根廷探戈在台灣​的開枝散葉,累積數千學習人口,其成果實要歸功於早年和大師相遇的緣分。2003-2004 Agnes y Derrick在阿根廷布宜諾斯艾利斯最大探戈盛會CITA,以及西班牙知名度假城市Sitges活動初遇Claudia & Esteban,驚艷​他們的探戈,舉重若輕、濃淡幾乎瞬間,緊密環繞的移動裡,每一步都淬煉得如此細緻,有若雲端來去。

之後Agnes y Derrick多次在義大利、法國、香港、阿根廷等地追隨大師深研基礎概念修習,實練這套舞蹈系統的社交舞蹈及表演方法,並一次次親身體驗他們的現場魅力與表演意境。有感於C&E多年勤練開發與經驗累積,能夠和其他舞者展現顯著差異,源自更多質量的內化、創作、革新產出,以及舞功裡包藏之獨到眼光及品味,絕世少見。有人描述他們形象高冷,有人形容著他們風格獨步,課堂上Esteban妙語如珠,Claudia示範精準,所到之處總是粉絲滿天下!Agnes y Derrick非常榮幸,實現了C&E以效果最佳的密集大師營規格呈現,邀請更多朋友把握機會親獲真傳!

Only a few of masters have great influence on the foundation-building in early-stage of Taiwan tango community, Claudia and Esteban are one of the best couple who still work together until now and keep inspiring us. Agnes y Derrick met master C&E in person around year 2003 to 2004, and followed their tracks to Buenos Aires, Sitges/Spain, and then France, Italy, Hong Kong for years. It was a stunning experience when Agnes y Derrick realized there is a style of tango with amazing ideas like weight shifting, moving spontaneously from dense to lightness. Every single step and moment are refined and exquisite. It is simple, but always charming that feels like they are dancing above clouds.

With such enrichment from C&E’s lessons and exhibition continuously, Agnes and Derrick went back to all the basic learning and then explore into system that really helpful to make breakthrough for Agnes y Derrick’s teaching method and performance.. Moreover, the most important idea is this system are not only developed by hard-working or externalizing effort, but also internalizing, cultivating and renovating . Standing out from other dancers, Claudia and Esteban are brilliant artist that keep themselves in the journey of giving people a higher view and sophisticated taste. No doubt there are fans of C&E everywhere, they all enjoy Esteban’s humorous teaching but always resourceful , and Claudia makes all demonstration precisely and elegant. For Agnes y Derrick, it is truly an honor to have them in Taipei in the form of master workshop. We do hope more and more people having a harvest by immersing yourself with C&E.

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